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Scottish Bee Health Strategy
Scottish Government Honey Bee Programme
Welcome to the BeeBase pages of the Scottish Government. The Scottish government published a bee health strategy in 2010. Its aim is to achieve a sustainable and healthy population of honey bees for pollination and honey production in Scotland through strengthened partnership working between stakeholders with an interest in honey bees.
For more details of the programme in Scotland please click on the following link to Scotland's Bee pages.
Science and Advice for Scottish Agriculture (SASA).
SASA provide support and advice for the bee health strategy and Statutory programme in Scotland. Honey bee and comb samples taken from apiaries during the inspection programme are sent to the SASA laboratory examination.
Scottish Agricultural College
Beekeeper education and training within the bee health strategy in Scotland is also delivered by the Scottish Rural College (SRUC). SRUC provide comprehensive advisory, training and education programmes for beekeepers throughout Scotland on all aspects of Integrated Pest Management, good husbandry including the control of Varroa. He also promotes awareness of notifiable bee diseases and pests and the provision of general advice of good husbandry and management practices to ensure healthy honey bee colonies. For more details of courses coming up contact SRUC at Auchincruive.